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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
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The Riemann Problem for a Nonisentropic Fluid in a Nozzle with Discontinuous Cross-Sectional Area

Mai Duc Thanh

pp. 1501-1519

Scattering of Surface Water Waves by a Floating Elastic Plate in Two Dimensions

Rupanwita Gayen and B. N. Mandal

pp. 1520-1541

Interactions of Elementary Waves for the Aw–Rascle Model

Meina Sun

pp. 1542-1558

Drift-Diffusion Past a Circle: Shadow Region Asymptotics

Sean Lynch and Charles Knessl

pp. 1559-1579

New Conditions on the Existence and Stability of Periodic Solution in Lotka–Volterra's Population System

Yonghui Xia and Maoan Han

pp. 1580-1597

Bounds for the Effective Stress of Classical and Strain Gradient Plastic Composites

Viet Ha Hoang

pp. 1598-1617

Effective Equations for Localization and Shear Band Formation

Theodoros Katsaounis and Athanasios E. Tzavaras

pp. 1618-1643

A Nonautonomous Juvenile-Adult Model: Well-Posedness and Long-Time Behavior via a Comparison Principle

Azmy S. Ackleh and Keng Deng

pp. 1644-1661

Detecting Inclusions in Electrical Impedance Tomography Without Reference Measurements

Bastian Harrach and Jin Keun Seo

pp. 1662-1681